
Dr Christopher Wiley guest-hosts Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (#LTHEchat) Twitter chat on student evaluation of teaching

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Dr Christopher Wiley was invited to guest-host the first Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Twitter chat (#LTHEchat) of 2021, which took place on 13 January. #LTHEchat runs weekly on Wednesdays on Twitter from 8-9pm GMT and involves HE and FE practitioners from the UK and internationally at all stages of their career.

#LTHEchat No. 193, on the subject of ‘Evaluating Student Evaluation of Teaching’, anticipates the publication of the forthcoming SEDA SpecialStudent Evaluation of Teaching: From Performance Management to Quality Enhancement, which Dr Wiley has co-edited, and was also mindful of his pedagogic research on student evaluation of teaching (SET).

A graph representing the network of 186 Twitter users whose recent tweets included the hashtag #LTHEchat, or who were replied to or mentioned in those tweets, is available here: https://nodexlgraphgallery.org/Pages/Graph.aspx?graphID=245733

The Wakelet, which provides a digest of tweets received, is here: https://wakelet.com/wake/JTRN860aVYrfProCKj4r-

Dr Wiley previously guest-hosted #LTHEchat in February 2016, on ‘Using music creatively to enhance non-music teaching’.

Dr Christopher Wiley co-organizes international multi-disciplinary conference on Writing About Contemporary Artists at the University of Surrey


Keynote - Annie Yim, Christopher Le Brun, and Christopher WileyDr Christopher Wiley was Chair of the Conference Committee for an international, multi-disciplinary three-day conference entitled Writing About Contemporary Artists: Challenges, Practices, and Complexities’, held at the University of Surrey from 20-22 October 2017.

Hosted and sponsored by the University’s Institute of Advanced Studies, the conference brought together scholars and practitioners in fields including musicology, theatre studies, dance and choreography, literature, film, digital media, and the visual arts. Its 70 participants represented a strongly international delegation drawn from North and South America, Australia, South Africa, and across Europe and the UK.

Dr Wiley compèred and co-authored the event’s central Keynote Concert and Dialogue (pictured above) given by MusicArt London, featuring the distinguished painter Christopher Le Brun (President of the Royal Academy of Arts) and pianist Dr Annie Yim (St John’s Smith Square Young Artist in Residence 2016/17), with additional contributions by composer Richard Birchall.

Dr Wiley also acted as chair and panel member for the final conference session (pictured below), a roundtable on ‘Contemporary artists, contemporary writing: Internet and social media’, at which he spoke about his reviewing activity across the art disciplines for digital magazine Musical Theatre Review as well as his guest-blogging for sites such as the Association of National Teaching Fellows blog and Oxford University Press Blog.

Further information may be found at the conference website: http://www.ias.surrey.ac.uk/workshops/artistswriting/

The full programme (including abstracts) may be downloaded here: http://www.ias.surrey.ac.uk/workshops/artistswriting/papers/Writing%20About%20Contemporary%20Artists%20conference%20_%20Proggramme.pdf

Roundtable - Christopher Wiley, Björn Heile, Katie Beswick, and Ian Pace

Update: Online reports on the conference are available at the following links:




Dr Christopher Wiley guest-hosts Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Twitter chat (#LTHEchat)

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SocioViz Visualisation of LTHEchatOn 3 February 2016, Dr Christopher Wiley was invited to guest-host the 44th Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Twitter chat, which runs weekly on Wednesdays from 8-9pm GMT using the hashtag #LTHEchat, and involves HE practitioners from across the UK and beyond at all stages of their career.

Dr Wiley’s #LTHEchat, on the subject of ‘Using music creatively to enhance non-music teaching’, generated a large volume of lively debate from its many contributors and resulted in some 500 tweets in the course of the scheduled 60 minutes. A SocioViz visualisation of the network of participants during the chat is pictured above right, and a Storify of the session is available here: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/tweetchat-no-44

Update: Following the #LTHEchat, Dr Wiley was invited to contribute a guest post to the University’s Surrey Social Media blog, on Twitter chats and their value to academics. He discusses his experiences of #LTHEchat in his post, ‘Twitter chats – why are they useful and how do they benefit academic staff?’, which appeared on 5 February and may be read here: http://blogs.surrey.ac.uk/socialmedia/twitter-chats-why-are-they-useful-and-how-do-they-benefit-academic-staff/

Dr Christopher Wiley presents ELESIG Webinar on BYOD, Mobile Technologies, and Social Media

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Dr Christopher Wiley presented a lunchtime webinar hosted by ELESIG (Evaluation of Learners’ Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group) on 24 April 2013. Entitled ‘BYOD, mobile technologies, and social media for learning’, the event was the first in the ELESIG Webinar Series 2013.

In the course of the webinar, Dr Wiley discussed various ways in which he had sought to respond to students’ use of social media (including Facebook and Twitter) and their own mobile technologies in his teaching, in order to engage the students in e-learning and to enable them to contribute online as well as in person.

Drawing on evidence received from both students and staff in recent years, Dr Wiley discussed the merits and shortcomings of using these innovative technologies to facilitate learning at the tertiary educational level, as well as its value in educating students in contemporary issues such as media literacy and management of their online identities.

With over 50 members of the ELESIG community attending online from across the nation, much lively and productive discussion was prompted throughout the one-hour webinar.
A webcast recording of the event may be accessed here: http://uni-of-nottingham.adobeconnect.com/p739d8j3xiw/

Christopher Wiley - ELESIG Webinar 24.04.13