Dr Christopher Wiley haMDG-Actions published an article in a special issue of Action, Criticism, and Theory in Music Education (the refereed journal of the MayDay Group) on autoethnography and related methodologies, guest-edited by Peter Gouzouasis.

Entitled ‘Autoethnography, Autobiography, and Creative Art as Academic Research in Music Studies: A Fugal Ethnodrama’, the article is written creatively as an imagined dialogue between Dr Wiley and two fictional doctoral students, constructed according to the principles of fugue.

In successive sections, it discusses the application of autoethnography to music studies, the difference between autoethnography and autobiography, and the types of materials that represent valid sources for autoethnography, including creative writing as well as musical works themselves.

Dr Wiley’s article may be read online in HTML format here: http://act.maydaygroup.org/act-18-2-wiley/

It may be downloaded as a PDF here: http://act.maydaygroup.org/articles/Wiley18_2.pdf

The full issue of the journal may be accessed here: http://act.maydaygroup.org/volume-18-issue-2/